Confronting the Luciferian Pyramid

Confronting the Luciferian PyramidEveryone who is sensitive to the Holy Spirit can sense oppression over this nation and the nations of the earth.  This oppression is not fear or paranoia.  It is a supernatural burden being placed on the people of God to begin crying out to the Lord.  The Lord is calling us to repent and come boldly to the throne of grace and engage in High Level Spiritual Warfare like the prophet Daniel did when he battled the territorial spirit over the Middle East called the Prince of Persia or the Prince of Iran.

This Prince of Iran still controls the spiritual atmosphere over Israel, Iran and the Middle Eastern nations.  The Prince of Iran is under the command of Satan and seeks to destroy the nation of Israel.  It is this spirit that is responsible for the irrational hatred of the Jews by the Arab people and the building up of arms by Russia, Iran and Middle Eastern nations.  The Prince of Iran wants to use Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda and other nations for building up massive arms to destroy Israel and to divide Jerusalem.

Daniel engaged in Spiritual Warfare through fasting and prayer. God’s guardian angel over Israel – the arch-Angel Michael – was released (and is released today) through the massive intercession of God’s people to protect and defend Israel against its enemies.  It is this Daniel-like spiritual warfare that can open the doors for God to move powerfully in America and around the world.  It does not interfere with Bible prophecy because the prayer warrior cannot overturn the will of God.  But God always responds to the repentance and prayers of His people.

We are battling Luciferian forces at the highest level.  The men who illegally seized control of our money system with the Federal Reserve Act in 1914 come from families from which many of its members are high up in the occult and for years have been seeking the consultation of occult teachers such as Madame Blavatsky, who channeled her information from a spirit guide.  The United Nations is controlled by occult masters like Alice Bailey, who formerly had the Lucifer Publishing Company on the grounds of the United Nations until she was forced to relocate and then changed the name of her company to Lucis Trust.  Canadian billionaire and United Nations leader Maurice Strong is deeply involved in the occult and has promoted the worship of Planet Earth to school children around the world.

I believe that the forces of spiritual darkness can be overcome with the Light. We have finished the radio studio and we are going to be broadcasting an international radio show that will also be a television show through a Christian television network, a radio show and through our website.

As you know I have been seeking the Lord regarding America and the world.  I have been asking the Lord, “What can God’s people do until the Lord returns?” I outline this in my series “America’s 3 Futures.”
Have you asked yourself the question, “What will America be like in the near future for myself and my children and grandchildren unless God intervenes?”

Together we have the divine opportunity to change our nation and our world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  If the Lord tarries America, like many nations in the world, is on the very edge of financial collapse, chaos and totalitarianism.
The Lord has given us one last brief window of opportunity!  We are engaged in a titanic spiritual battle.  The majority of people who call themselves Christians are either in complete denial about what is happening or they are spiritually deceived.  Jesus Christ said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”   But Jesus Christ was not just talking about the truth of salvation (although that is the most important), He was also talking about how obeying God’s Word can solve our nation’s problems.

By God’s grace, your prayers and support, we have produced a new radio show that I will host and that will also be televised around the world.  It will be a a television and radio show. This will give us an opportunity to reach many people, proclaim the Gospel and to fulfill Jesus Christ’s words, “Occupy until I come.”

In addition to our regular Paradise Mountain Church meetings, prophecy meetings and conference engagements we will now be able to reach large numbers of people while the doors are still open.  We intend to broadcast these radio and television programs on our website as well.

After much prayer and seeking the Lord, I believe we are quickly approaching a global crisis event that will shake our nation and world.  It could either be a manufactured crisis, a catastrophic natural disaster such as an earthquake or asteroid hitting the earth. The Iranian nuclear program could ignite an Ezekiel 38 confrontation between Russia, Iran and Israel.
The Lord has commanded me to be a watchman on the wall and to blow the trumpet of warning.  The Lord is raising up our global media outreach to call God’s people to spiritual warfare, intercessory prayer, revival, a Great Awakening and a last day’s harvest of souls before the Return of the Lord.

This is not a game.  Each of us must focus our energies, gifts, talents and finances into the focal point of the spiritual battle.   Time is short.  The Remnant can discern which ministries are serving the Lord and which are building kingdoms here on earth.  Do not be deceived, you will not walk under the covering, blessing, protection and provision of the Lord if you are participating and giving to a church for the wrong reasons.  God will not bless believers whose motives are social status or trying to buy a position in a church and God will not bless a church that is not obeying the Word of God and truly serving the Lord.  The Bible says that “Judgment begins in the house of the Lord.”

The blunt truth is that in the words of the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer, “The American church is not worshipping the God of the Bible, but the gods of personal peace and prosperity.”

Separate yourself from the apostasy. Seek the Lord with all you heart!  Join with ministries, churches and Christians who are following God and not playing church.  God wants to pour out His Spirit on the land and push back the forces of spiritual darkness.  “Choose you this day whom you will serve, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”
Stand with us as we seek to reclaim the land.  Specifically, we need your prayers, intercession, passing the word along to others and your financial support.  We need Christian businessmen and women who can help us expand our radio, television and church outreaches.  Paradise Mountain Church is a 501(C)(3) Corporation.

I remember standing next to Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, in Orange County California around 20 years ago where he was speaking to business people, investment advisors and the heads of corporations about why God gives certain individuals millions and billions of dollars in wealth.  He challenged the men and women to have a vision bigger than themselves, which is God’s vision.  Dr. Bright asked them to help him fulfill the Great Commission.  Men and women gave generously and some gave over a million dollars.  I worked with Dr. Bright personally on a number of projects.  I know he would have approved of what we are attempting to do, because he understood the great peril America was in and why America is of vital importance in standing for Israel and reaching the world for the Gospel.

I am asking you, as Dr. Bright did, to help us fulfill God’s mission!  You can write a check out to Paradise Mountain Church International or donate electronically by clicking the Donate Button below

Send a check or money order to:
Paul McGuire
Paradise Mountain Church International
25876 The Old Road # 136
Stevenson Ranch, CA 91381

  • By Heather Wright, November 23, 2010 @ 10:25 am

    This is a great message! Where I am in Europe, we have so few churches, We we can’t “play church”! So we really have to seek the Lord!I’m beginning to see there are some advantages in that, but thank God for the internet!

  • By Cheryl, November 27, 2010 @ 10:31 pm

    Paul you are used mightily by God and we here in Australia would not know what is going on around the world if not for people like you and some others.
    I have spoken to a friend of mine and she belongs to the 1st group of Christians that know nothing.
    I pray for you and that you always speak the truth.

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