The Plan to Rule the World

Many times people ask me about the sources of my information because they want to know if they are reliable.  In the process of doing research for my books, MP3’s, video, DVD’s and conferences, I always go to original source documents such as an exact quote or a published scientific report, or a published report from an organization like the CFR or UN itself. In the Internet age you would be surprised how many original sources you can reference.  Also, I usually verify my research by going to multiple sources.

Obviously, when you deal with the kind of topics I deal with, there are some people who will never change their minds no matter how much evidence you provide them with.  Sadly to say, there are a disturbingly large percentage of so-called Christians who fit into this category.  Take for instance when I say there is a coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States and people choose to ridicule that… they really have to go out of their way to ignore the enormous amount of documented evidence.

For example, a Council on Foreign Relations 59-page report entitled “Building a North American Community” is available on the CFR website as a free download.  Judicial Watch, under the Freedom of Information Act, published over 2,000 pages of documentation consisting of government emails, etc. and they made all of it available on the Internet for anyone to download.  Not to mention the fact that the Prime Minister of Canada admitted it openly on national Canadian television and then former Prime Minister of Mexico, Vicente Fox, talked about its existence openly on the Larry King Show.  All of these videos are available on the Internet.  This is just a tiny fraction of the material available for anyone who is intellectually honest to examine.

Yet, despite the overwhelming evidence, a very well known so-called Conservative talk show host had a temper tantrum on the air ridiculing the existence of the merger after one of the listeners of my radio show called him and questioned him about it.  Quite frankly, I am surprised he has an audience, and there are others like him who simply have no idea what they are talking about.

In addition to my research I have talked personally with very high level members of the military. Prime Ministers and former Presidents who have substantiated the claims I have made in my books and other material.  A number of very credible members of the intelligence community read my books and receive my E-Blasts and they find them to be accurate.

But this is precisely the problem!  We have many people in the media, Christian leaders, Christians and the public who are completely clueless about what is really going on in our nation.  The Bible says “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”  However, their ignorance is going to cost their children and grandchildren a very bitter price because they chose to be ignorant.  For example, those camps people keep talking about, they exist!  I refrained from talking about those camps for over 10 years until I was absolutely sure that they existed.  I have now verified from a number of sources that they do indeed exist.

There is an additional factor that I share very rarely, but I am going to share it now.  Many times in my research I feel very strongly by the Holy Spirit to investigate a particular area.  Let me give you an example. A number of years ago the Lord prompted me to begin serious research into the occult nature of the Nazi Party, Adolph Hitler, the German Schools of Higher Criticism and the amazing parallels between what happened in Nazi, Germany and what is happening in the U.S.  The Lord also revealed to me supernaturally that many of the same occult powers operating in Germany were now fully operational in the United States.  They came into the United States when our intelligence community, in competition with Russia, began bringing in Nazi mind control scientists who were deeply involved in the occult through Operation Paperclip.

Literally, the Spirit of God began to open my eyes to what was going on in the spiritual realm in the United States and the need for high-level spiritual warfare.  To give you just one example of how the Lord authenticates this research, a report that was classified just came out and you can read the report for yourself about the Nazi’s being brought into the U.S. after World War II.  The declassified report is available at the National Archives.

Washington, DC: The National Archives has released to Congress a new report on Nazi War Crimes: “Hitler’s Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence, and the Cold War” (Source:

Adolph Hitler wrote a book entitled “The New World Order” and the occult Thule Society was part of the massive occult movement that also existed in Great Britain and the U.S.  Adolph Hitler was deeply influenced by the occult teacher Madame Blavatsky and had a copy of her book by his bedside.  Blavatsky’s disciple Alice Bailey was guided by a Tibetan spirit guide. She was a key part of the United Nations and actually established a company called Lucifer Publishing on the grounds of the U.S.  The United Nations, the Federal Reserve, Bilderberg Group and other elite organizations like the Skull and Bones have ties to the occult.  On the back of the U.S. dollar we see the occult pyramid, the all-seeing eye of Lucifer and the words Novus Ordo Seclorum, which means New World Order, gives us an indication of the occult plan for America.

There was far more involved when the Nazi scientists moved from Germany into the United States into the power centers of our society.  Many of these scientists were Satanists and in regular contact with dark supernatural powers and they have a plan to rule the world.  You can find out more information by ordering “American Dictatorship-The Coming Event That Will Change Everything” 3 DVD set (which you can pre-order now), the books “Are You Ready for the Microchip?,” “The Day The Dollar Died” and the discounted “The Plan to Rule World” MP3 Series which you can download now:

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It is important that you understand that America and much of the world is under siege from powerful principalities and powers that will lead to the coming of the False Prophet, the one world economic system, the mark of the beast and the one world government under the Antichrist.

If the Church in America and around the world was truly filled with the Holy Spirit, it would discern the existence of this spiritual attack and immediately wage high-level spiritual warfare against it.  Men and women who are walking in the power of the Lord can literally sense the activity of these dark unseen forces and they know where they are operating.  This Remnant of true believers are acutely aware of the dimension of this demonic attack and they know exactly where it is going!

The slothfulness and dazed look in the eyes of so many Christians and Christian leaders is evidence of the fact that they are not truly walking in the power of the Holy Spirit.  If they were alive in the Spirit, their eyes would be filled with flames of fire like the eyes of Jesus Christ are.  There would a very strong sense of urgency and they would be organizing the people to man the spiritual battle stations.  But they walk around like they are in a trance and they do not realize that the enemy has already captured them the day they started to walk away from the Word of God.  So deep is this spiritual deception is that you have Christian leaders actually partnering with organizations that were founded by the occult for the express purpose of building a godless one world government, coming one world religion and a one world economic system.  In addition, millions of people who call themselves Christians are caught up in the apostasy and marching like sleep to the slaughter.

God is not pleased with this!  These men are mobilizing God’s people to turn against Israel and we are in grave danger of violating the Abrahamic Covenant where God will send a curse upon us.  I am not here to argue the theological distinctions of whether or not God still uses watchmen today.  In obedience to Jesus Christ I am stationed in the watchman’s tower, I see the enemy organized and moving towards the people of God.  As long as I have breath in me, I will continue to warn and blow the trumpet.  If I have failed to warn the people of the coming of the enemy, than the blood is own my hands.  But, my conscience is clean.  I have delivered the warning.

Conversely, if God’s people continue to ignore the warning, the blood is on their hands as well as the leaders they chose that sang them to sleep.  However, God is merciful and if His people cry out to Him the powers of evil can be restrained up until the point of Bible prophecy.  It is tragic that so many of our economic, political and military leaders do not seek God.  If you just look at the numbers and problems, there appears to be no answer.  But throughout human history God has supernaturally prospered nations, won military victories, restored economies and bestowed honor to those men and women who choose to seek the Lord!  In addition, there are men and women in this nation and other nations that God has given supernatural answers that will miraculously solve impossible problems.  If these institutions, think tanks and governments would call upon the men and women God has raised up, they would see problems that they believe are impossible solved and the people who honor them and God!

One final example. Certain segments of our intelligence community and military are relying on the occult for supernatural answers, using things like “Remote Viewing,” which acts like a psychic weapon.  But “Remote Viewing” and other occult-based systems have a very low rate of success.  If these military and intelligence leaders would be bold enough to utilize people who God has raised up to help them and employ supernatural strategies contained in Scripture, they would find that they would have access to incredible power… a power greater than any power on earth.

For example, it is possible to locate terrorist cells and WMD’s in this nation and other nations by relying on the same supernatural power that the military genius King David did.  Joseph, Solomon and Abraham created wealth and prosperity in the middle of an economic downturn.  They did not rely on traditional Keynesian and other economic theories that are pushing our world towards global economic collapse.  Solomon had more wealth than any man in human history and the value of his wealth today would vastly exceed the wealth of any billionaire or group of billionaires.  Since Solomon’s wealth was based on gold and other precious metals, the value of his wealth today would still surpass any economic empire.  Yet, Solomon used supernatural economic principles, that if used today could provide a rapid economic recovery to any nation that employed them.  Yet, our economic gurus follow the economic advice from men and institutions that could only be described as economic entropy.  We live in a world of artificial shortages, fictional energy crisis, phantom food shortages and mythological inflation cycles.

If Solomon was running the pension funds in Europe and the USA, there would be no riots and lack of money to pay pensions.  Within days, Solomon would know how to access trillions of dollars of wealth without borrowing or going into debt.  Solomon could produce trillions to pay pension and generate profit at the same time.  Solomon did not live in the fantasy that this world has finite resources that are running out. 

This same power is now available to believers to enable them to overcome and to receive wisdom, guidance, provision and protection in the times in which we live.

I deal with all of this in my powerful 3 DVD package entitled “American Dictatorship-The Coming Event That Will Change Everything.”  For years the Lord has impressed upon my heart over and over again the things that are coming and what God expects His people to do both spiritually and practically.  The future is not fixed!  We are not talking about attempting to change Bible prophecy, which is impossible to do anyway. I believe that God is calling His people to repent of their sins and seek His face!  God is waiting to pour out an authentic and Biblical revival along with a Third Great Awakening and a massive last day’s harvest of souls.

Everyday I get emails from people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord through a message they heard from me, books like “The Day The Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready for the Microchip?,” MP3 downloads and DVD’s.  Would you prayerfully consider becoming a parter with us and help us to reach people in our nation and world before it is to late? Simply use the Donate button on the right side of the page.

Paul McGuire

Download “The Plan to Rule the World” MP3 series now at a specially discounted price:

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  • By Stephen, December 20, 2010 @ 6:29 pm

    Paul, I chuckled at your reference to that conservative radio host throwing a tirade about the North American Union. I believe his name is Michael Medved, and I’ve listened to his show a few times. He is indeed hostile toward any reference to conspiracies or the NAU. Perhaps you should call into his show some time and have a discussion with him.

  • By Kay, January 1, 2011 @ 4:39 pm

    See Joe Ortiz’s “End Times Passover” blog (Dec. 14). WARNING: Bible prophecy fans may experience a 4-alarm earthquake when reading “Pretrib Rapture & Demons” !

    (Spied the above while computering. Also Google “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty” & “The Newest Pretrib Calendar.”)

Other Links to this Post

  1. The Plan to Rule the World | Paul McGuire | Radio Talk Show Host … | World Media Information — December 20, 2010 @ 7:19 pm

  2. Armageddon, Cold, From, Officer, Soviet, annihilation, cold war, cuban missile crisis, facts, historians, nuclear missile, nuclear war, saves, unknown, world — December 21, 2010 @ 9:32 pm

  3. ancient prophecy | hopi prophecy | fruition | Prophecy | signs | HOPI | 2012 — December 22, 2010 @ 1:40 am

  4. What Prophecy is and How to Learn It — December 22, 2010 @ 5:25 am

  5. Global Economic Collapse - World War 3 predictions — December 22, 2010 @ 10:24 am

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