“Are You Ready?” 3-DVD Set

In his new 3-DVD set “Are You Ready?…” Paul is a Watchman warning the people what is about to come and what they can do about it, in practical terms! Paul exposes the master plan behind the creation of a one world government, a one world economic system and a one world religion.

Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. The Bible tells us “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” Most people do not have any idea about what is about to happen. There are very few Watchmen to warn them.

Pre-Order Your Copy Today!

“Paul McGuire is a Watchman on the wall, one of the best!”
–General Shimon Erem

Are You Ready for the One World Government?
A global government predicted in Revelation is about to rise. This global government, such as the United Nations, would have its own law and government to replace the U.S. Constitution and government.

Are You Ready for the Coming One World Economic System?
Are the international bankers controlling government, media, education, science, military and culture for their purposes? Is it true the bankers plan to seize your property, keep its equity and then turn the nation into renters rather than owners?

This goal has two purposes: (1) Increase the wealth of the bankers by trillions of dollars. (2) In a Marxist Revolution it is essential to destroy belief in God, the family and home ownership. The destruction of home ownership creates the psychological destruction of the human personality as an individual created by God. It degrades men and women into falsely believing they have any value. There is no commitment in “marriage” and no belief in God. After this, people are willing to accept the mark of the beast.

Are You Ready for the Coming One World Religion?
A highly secretive and occult religious movement is organizing all the religions in the world into one. This coming one world religion, which is happening before our very eyes, will provide the spiritual glue to unite the world’s religions into one so that a one world government and a one world economic system can be implemented. The elite understand that money is a spiritual force and that is why we have the all-seeing eye of Lucifer and the words “New World Order” on the back of the dollar bills.

For a full description of this 3-DVD set, Click Here.

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  • By mintu kumar, August 25, 2011 @ 6:01 am

    The Federal Reserve is bankrupting the nation… paper money will become worthless… you have to prepare yourself and your family for the financial crisis ahead.

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